About 'Hey, It Works!'
'Hey, It Works!' is a technology blog created by Daniel Rosehill (an ordinary guy* —mostly— who loves technology!).
Except when it doesn't work — like when this blog's forerunner went up in a ball of digital fire and lost content. Then he really hates it. We don't talk about the other blog around here.
This blog, instead, is all about open-sourcing the little fixes and tweaks that take us from thinking “this is beyond us!” to “oh that’s so easy I could do that in my sleep!.
Sometimes it only takes a smidgen of perseverance to get from point A to point B. Sometimes we think technology is going to drive us insane. Hopefully that doesn't happen. So we're here to share those plain sailing days.
Daniel finds technology endlessly fascinating which makes pinning down his specific interests within it tricky. But some things he's stuck with over the years include Linux, open source software (currently he likes Metabase), backups (gotta take them!) and .... things to do with data.
While talking about himself in the third person, Daniel kindly reminds viewers of his YouTube channel that he hasn't forgotten about his M-Disc ageing experiment and that the data will ... one day .... finally be in.
Thanks for dropping by.
*This is very much open to interpretation.
What’s up with all the sloths, man?
We challenge you to reframe that question:
What’s up with all the other technology blogs that don’t feature sloths? This is the real question to be asking.
Daniel likes sloths and he also likes Astro CMS which has its own weird astronaut-themed branding going on. Daniel sometimes dreams of one day having an ethical sloth encounter even if that only entails viewing one through binoculars.
The template for this theme (Astro Paper) was made by this guy in Myanmar.
Thank you, Sat, for a truly wonderful piece of work!
About: Daniel Rosehill (The Guy Whose Tech Ramblings You’re Reading)…
Daniel Rosehill is very proud to call Jerusalem, Israel 🇮🇱 his adopted home.
Daniel spent most of his career managing communications at technology companies before transitioning to a position in the non-profit sector (where he also communications-related things).
Daniel has been infatuated by technology for as long as he can remember and emojis🦥 much more recently.
Right now he's learning about data science and visualisation and having fun playing around with cool frontend frameworks like Astro CMS. He'll eventually move on to other obscure things to bore friends with and post about here. His wife doesn't get to just 'move on' from these tech phases so we really hope that she doesn't 'move on' from him!
Daniel Likes Open Source
Daniel is a huge believer in the power of open-sourcing, a philosophy he developed over many years of using Linux.
He believes that open source is about much more than a software philosophy — it’s an approach to life that values sharing knowledge whenever possible, however possible, and to the maximum extent possible.
Other strident opinions include that distributed work is the future of the knowledge economy; that awful drip email sequences should be banned and their publishers openly flagelated before everyone on their mail merge list; and that digital connectivity should be a national priority for every forward-thinking government.
Recently, Daniel began an data publishing initiative called ImpactDB which tries to show data from the world of impact investing in an engaging way.
A highlight of Daniel’s 30s to date has been the realisation that drinking Guinness with good friends, and people you love, is close to being as good as life really gets.
Daniel tries to check the news no more than twice a week so unless the sky is literally caving in, there's a good chance he doesn't know about it (yet).
Current life priorities including doing that more, improving his command of Modern Hebrew, and generally having a good time of it.
And here's a quote you can use:
Follow me on Github! Follow Daniel on Github
Other Tech Projects
Daniel is too jaded to do the startup thing so instead posts his half-baked ideas onto Github.
They’re open-source but if you use one and hit it big you owe him a lot of Guinness 🍺.
YouTube: Daniel’s Tech World
Github: Homepage
Githubs - Misc Projects, Open-Sourcing Initiatives
In the spirit of open-sourcing, Daniel puts some random repositories onto Github that he gets around to organising about once every 3 years.
Some of it potentially useful, most of it probably not. All of it shared enthusiastically.
- Directory of data science organisations in Israel
- Home Assistant projects of interest to Jewish and Israeli users
- Visual Home Assistant grocery list component
- Anki deck English to Hebrew tech dictionary
Tech Stack / List
📙 Here’s a list list of some tech tools that Daniel likes and loves to get behind.